Friday, December 04, 2009


I've got a really bad headache.. I mean like pretty bad. I suddenly had this whole tension on my shoulders and my head started to feel woozy. haha! and i bet its not due to the excessive korean dramas BECAUSE i have not been watching it for awhile.

Its all that bidding website's fault, hahahahah! i was so stressed out about winning the iPhone. Didn't win it in the end, so.. Oh well. But besides that everything is going great! Youth Camp is next week. And so are my mid sems. I don't feel bummed at all, and my life is less than perfect but i still love it.

Have i mentioned that i have not been getting inspiration for songs lately? I guess thats the part that i'm sort of stressed out about. But as my little sister always reminds me, "WHY DONT YOU WAIT ON GOD FIRST LAH"

I should huh..?
Yeah. I probably will...


Im on a little photo craze right now. Love taking out my camera and just snapping picture after picture! PLUS. I really love the Korean Drama Series You're Beautiful. Must be because of all the songs. They are pretty nice. But oh well, its all nadia's fault anyways, getting me started on it.

Come to think of it, I have not been watching my anime for awhile. But i dont really have time to do it anyway.. Since Mid Sems are coming really really soon.

Come to think of it, does Singapore sell celebrity POGS? I don't think there is... hahaha..

Randomness. Perhaps i'll see you all in a few months.