Tuesday, March 31, 2009

3 more days - HOT and SWEATY


As you all can see... It was an EX-TREME-LEEE HOT day! and so starts our technical rehersal!

The Choir was practicing and testing the stage mikes

the BIG ASS FAN was'nt really helping...

And it took really LONG to get the whole play started! Urgh.. I was really poofed by this time.. and absolutely.. feeling HOT and Sweaty! Due to the heat! Sometimes i really wished it would SNOW!
After rehersal today(which ended at 9 plus, i was really HYPER! I started jumping around and singing weird songs. And I have to absolutely memorize my LINES! im so poofed and ZONKED! But it was totally fun! squee!
Im too tired to say much but...
THREE MORE DAYS! I'll get to meet all the peeps and peepettes! haha

Monday, March 30, 2009

4 More Days

the classical and the classics
Had rehersals for orchid park's 10th Anniversary and im totally poofed.
1st: the weather was so hot that 5 mins in the sun can cause persperation.
2nd: Miss Fara/Mrs Zaidi was'nt around, which meant more explaining with regards to the sequence
of our acting.
3rd: Khabir was'nt around either! So the rest of us were'nt really motivated to act, whatsoever.
4th: Ian did'nt really know the full sequences(no offence Ian(: ) so we skipped alot of the funny acting parts.
5th: It took so long for the rehersal to start (due to ppl organising) that i started to feel sleepy even before the rehersal.
6th: Did I already mention that it was crazily HOT?
7th: Waited like 30mins for the 811 to come.
8th: Loads of students in the bus, so SAUNA + many STUDENTS = SMELL(a little)
9th: Not to mention the shoving and the pushing
10th: I'm already tired! so i'll be nitty gritty!
So im sorta glad that this whole performance will be ending on friday. But im sad too. Because im going to really miss all the students and the teachers! The thing being also that i didnt really get a chance to bond and talk to many of the performers unlike previous years where i was a student myself. So i had to sweat with them, get scolded with them, laugh with them, eat with them, joke with them and.. well, u get the gist. Whereas this year, i was totally 'seperated'! I get to sit at the 'judges' table. Laugh with the teachers. Look through their papers. No need to sit on the floor. No scoldings. No uniforms. RAWR!
So i dont really know whether to be happy, or sad.
Okay! i've made up my mind! Tomorrow and the next few days are going to become PHOTO DAYS! Im going to arm myself with a camera, a few memory cards, batteries and a whole lot of smiles and im going to take every moment in! Fun with the teachers, students and friends=) maybe even the drink uncle! hee hee! Sounds good to me! Squee!
But i really thank God for seeing me through the whole of today. Im getting inspiration from Psalms 91 and 139 to write my next song. So here I go!

Sleepless Nights

music makes the world go round?
Okay. So i can't sleep. Bad news.
Heres the thing. its the 30th March, its 12:37am, wake up time: 8am, agenda: meeting at church, and sweaty rehersals for ex school's 10th anniversay.
If i could 'pun' the anniversary is a worthy adversary.
Okay, fine, its late and im not thinking right.
Was just looking through some of my friend's blogs and i realise that everyone has grown up! (tear, tear) . well sort of. Some, ex classmates. Others old friends. Some are even family. There are also the current friends and the friends with whom my relationship with has become unknown for some reason.
Then i realise, friendships are so fickle. They can be strong at one point, yet break at signs of hardships or changes in situations. I guess 'Ships' are not exactly the most stable thing around. They follow the tides and the waves. They rock back and forth in a storm, and ride peacefully in the calm. But what exactly keeps friends together for so long, through thick and thin, through all times. The bonds, the time spent together, the relations.
Maybe thats why my closer friends are within my youth. Some old friends whom i could'nt bear to leave just 3 to 4 years ago have slipped from my priorities, and our communications have become limited to msn, with a casual, 'Hi' and 'Bye' and the common 'How have you been?'
But even then, i guess on my part, im not really good at 'catching up' or 'keeping in touch'. Its almost as if i've become the wind over the past few years. An occasional breeze and a rare wind storm.
Could my past disappointments be the reason for me to create a barrier between myself and others? Is the 'Me' that i show others the actual 'Me' that i am?
Maybe im getting way ahead of myself.
Okay! i'm finally feeling sleepy!
i could just be thinking too much...

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Pilot Entry - Pay it Forward

music says something

"Pay it Forward"

You do something big for three people. Then in turn, each of them do something big for three others. And the movement goes on.
The heartwarming movie i just viewed brought tears to my eyes. Especially when Haley Joel Osment was so cute then! He still is now though, but not the same kind of cute(he is still so baby faced! squee!)
okay. its really late and yes, its ANOTHER blog! so....